We are very grateful to our sponsors, without whom the show would not be able to proceed in it's current format. Please support them whenever possible.
Would you or your Company like to be a sponsor to support the Show? We welcome individuals and companies to get more involved with their local agricultural show. There are many different levels of sponsorship and every sponsor is appreciated as a valued supporter and offered a selection of benefits. By becoming a sponsor of Woolsery Show, you join some of the area's most well known companies.
There are a multitude of different ways sponsors can support the Show including sponsorship of classes within the Horse and Livestock sections. You could sponsor a marquee for the Handicraft, Food, or Craft sections. Or sponsor equipment that we have to hire in.
If you or your business have a particular interest we would be happy to discuss arranging tailor made sponsorship packages, so that you can achieve many benefits from supporting the show.
CONTACT - Mrs Pat Martin 01409 241331 grahammartin789@btinternet.com
Mrs Christine Buckpitt c.buckpitt@btconnect.com